Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Dawn of the First Day:

Today I began laddering in season 3. While the hard and vigorous task proved to be time consuming. I started late in the night and played a few games. It turns out all the people in my MMR range are all the cheesers on the America server. Tonight had its wins, and also its losses(all due to cheese). I am currently uploading a video of a PvP I played. Bare with me as you watch it, I am still fairly rusty, and... yeah, but comments and suggestions are fantastic. It is currently 3:40 AM, Dr. Pepper is how us avid gamers stay alive at times like this, but my toss will need some practice, tomorrow I will touch up my builds... my worst match up is by far TvP. Also I lost a best of 3 with some random guy(density?), it was a good set of games but I didn't know how to take out the MM+tank build. Buuuuut, I would call day 1 a success, I should be in Platinum this week, and hopefully will be in a high spot in my league. My Dr. Pepper is starting to wear off so, i'm out for now. Stay sweet ;)

Link to the video: